A veces estaba tiradito..otras nadaba "normal" y durante mucho tiempo, hasta que falleció estaba como en la 2da, 3ra y 4ta fotito....
Ahi están enterrados "princesa", "molly" y "ángel" :(
Aquí está Ángel cuando no estaba tan enfermito..:(
En otro orden de ideas....para aquellos que piensan que no hay un día Internacional del hombre...les tengo noticias...hoy, 19 de noviembre...(día que está por terminar) se celebra su día....
Según información que encontré, ese día fue establecido en Trinidad y Tobago en 1999..
Así que ya no se pueden quejar de que no hay un día para ustedes...
Muchas felicidades a todos los hombres del mundo...en especial para los que pasan por este blog en decadencia...
Mientras me enteraba sobre este día, estaba casualmente escuchando esta canción de Shania Twain....que habla sobre ustedes, hombres!
(espero que no se lo tomen a mal, no tendrían por qué...además les canta Shania)
Tell me about it...
Have you ever tried to figure them out?
Huh, me too, but I ain't got no clue
How 'bout you?
Men are like shoes
Made to confuse
Yeah, there's so many of 'em
I don't know which ones to choose
(yeah, yeah, yeah)
Ah, sing it to me
If you agree
There's the kind made for runnin'
The sneakers and the low down heels
The kind that will keep you on your toes
And every girl knows how that feels
(yeah, yeah, yeah)
Ouch, ah, sing it with me
You've got your kickers and your ropers
Your everyday loafers, some that you can never find
You've got your slippers and your zippers
Your grabbers and your grippers
Man, don't ya hate that kind?
Some you wear in, some you wear out
Some you wanna leave behind
Sometimes you hate 'em
And sometimes you love 'em
I guess it all depends on which way you rub 'em
But a girl can never have too many of 'em
It's amazing what a little polish will do...
Men are like shoes...
Some make you feel ten feet tall
Some make you feel so small
Some you want to leave out in the hall
Or make you feel like kicking the wall
(yeah, yeah, yeah)
Ah, sing it with me, girls
Ooh! (yeah, yeah, yeah)
Some can polish up pretty good...
Ah, men are like shoes..
It's amazing what a little polish will do
Some clean up good, just like.new
Some you can't afford, some are real cheap
Some are good for bummin' around on the beach
You've got your kickers and your ropers
Your everyday loafers, yeah some that you can never find
You've got your slippers and your zippers
Your grabbers and your grippers
And man, don't ya hate that kind?
I ain't got time for the flip-flop kind...
Men are like shoes!
Men are like shoes!
2 comentarios:
¡Qué triste ver esas fotos!
Lo más curioso de todo fue que, de un día para otro, prácticamente, se puso muy mal...
Tan hermoso que estaba..
Muuuy :(
Pues si, porque no estaba tan rojo y andaba un poquito más animado...:(
Super helmoso...y no era para ser filete! hum!
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